Kids and summer hair disasters go together like sand and the sun. Now, as back-to-school season sets in, parents are making a mad dash to their local salon to get their children’s locks teacher-ready.
With more than 30 salon franchises across the country, Pigtails & Crewcuts has literally seen it all. Parents should know that their local stylist is there to help.
We surveyed our salon owners at Pigtails & Crewcuts and found that the following kid’s hair disasters are the most common:
- Sibling Cutlery. Brothers and sisters have a way with scissors, but their way is rarely considered “shear genius.” The stylists at Pigtails & Crewcuts regularly work with hair of all lengths (and angles) to return it to its photo-ready state. (Note: parents, while more skilled than siblings, have also been known to produce similar less-than-ideal haircuts).
- Foreign Invasion. While gum is the most common culprit, stylists across the country have seen their share of foreign objects lodged in hair, such as candy, paint, peanut butter, lotion and more. While moms and dads are often quick to hop on the internet to find a solution, this is a situation that’s often best left to the pros.
- Jamaican Me Crazy. Kids (and, often, their parents) love getting their hair braided on vacation. But what looked cute for a few days on the island has a way of getting matted and dirty on the mainland. Stylists are happy to help take the “dread” out of dreadlocks and return your child’s hair to its natural state.
- Green with Chlorine. As the summer ends and school bells begin ringing, you might notice a holdover from all that time you spent at the pool: green hair. Chlorine and other pool chemicals have a way of leaving a mark. Ask your stylist about special summer shampoos. Also, trimming off the dry and damaged ends makes a world of difference.
Does your family have a hair disaster relief plan? If not, it’s time to get acquainted with your local Pigtails & Crewcuts, where stylists are adept at taking care of business, whether it’s gum, make-up, color, food, scissors or any other common kid-tastrophe—no questions asked. You never know when such services will come in handy.