Franchise training and support are critical components of a successful franchise system. At Pigtails & Crewcuts, our new franchisee training plays a pivotal role in ensuring consistency, quality, and the overall success of our franchisees. We host our five-day franchisee training multiple times each year, which includes both classroom style and hands-on training in our Atlanta area salons. Here are some key reasons why we believe this level of training and support are important.
Our franchise training program facilitates the transfer of knowledge and expertise from us to our franchisees. Led by our VP of Franchise Support, Theresa Vona, the training includes best practices, industry insights, and Pigtails & Crewcuts’ unique business model. The franchise support team holds discussions throughout the week to cover various topics including customer relations, employee recruitment and retention, and point-of-sale training, to name a few. Training is also a time for our franchisees to form positive relationships with each other as members of our franchise system.
These trainings help Pigtails & Crewcuts maintain consistency across all of our franchised locations. This is crucial for preserving the brand image and delivering a uniform experience to our customers nationwide. Our marketing firm, Rock, Paper, Scissors, takes time with our owners to ensure they understand the Pigtails & Crewcuts brand standards.
During our new franchisee training, each attendee receives our most updated operations manual. We use this as a tool to help new owners understand our standard operating procedures. The operations manual lays out our policies and procedures, and ensures our franchisees maintain the quality and reputation of our brand.
Well-trained franchisees are more likely to operate efficiently. While our training program covers various aspects of business operations for our franchisees, we also invite their managers to attend. Our job is to ensure all owners and their staff understand inventory management, customer service, and marketing, all which contribute to overall efficiency.
Brand Growth:
Our franchise model is successful and has continued to grow because of our franchisees. By providing comprehensive support and training, our goal is that each franchisee achieves the level of success they are looking for. It is our mission to help them grow their business and support them every step of the way.
Franchise support and training are essential for maintaining brand consistency, ensuring operational excellence, and fostering the overall success of our franchise system. Our owners have invested in us, so we invest in them. The Pigtails & Crewcuts training program sets the standard for the support we provide and is a key factor in the long-term success of each franchisee.
Are you interested in learning about our support franchise and comprehensive training? Contact us today to learn more about how Pigtails & Crewcuts will support you throughout each step of business ownership.